The link below will take you to our personal website where you will have access to the over 450 products that Dr. Wallach has made available to us.

This is important: Click the Join button. You can either become a Preferred Customer for free, or, for just $10, you can become a Member, with all benefits. If you do not click Join, but just begin shopping, you'll be paying Retail Prices. GASP! Join gets you 30% off, either way you go.

Once you are in, you have to find your way to the Plant-derived Minerals. Click Liquid Nutrition on the left side products panel. It's the third bottle on the page.

If you are having a problem, or you'd just prefer we do this for you, please feel comfortable calling us: 772-924-1291 (If you get a recording, you know what to do.)

Onward to buy Plant-derived Minerals...or just look around.
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